2022 Certified Best Christian Workplace – Gibson Oil

Gibson Oil and Gas is proud to announce we have been certified as a Best Christian Workplace for 2022!

The Best Workplaces Institute conducted surveys with our entire team and our high score placed us in the “flourishing” category.

Your dedication to employee engagement and healthy workplace culture are apparent in your exceptional results – well done! As a leader, you have demonstrated qualities of authenticity, integrity, and servant-heartedness – qualities that we both admire and appreciate. We are thankful for your commitment to excellence as we work together to set the standard for the best, most effective places to work in the world. This is truly an honor and we commend you for your diligence and hard work!”

Excerpt from letter from Al Lopus, President of Best Workplaces Institute

At Gibson Oil, our mission to “Go Serve” in our communities wouldn’t be possible without our team members. Their dedication to live out our values of safety, service, and purpose every day don’t go unnoticed and we are incredibly grateful for our team.

Please join us in congratulating the Gibson Oil and Gas team on this incredible honor!

Gibson Driver
Techs working