Propane Safety

While propane is a safe fuel, it should always be treated with care. That’s why Gibson Oil is providing you with information to keep in mind in case you ever experience a propane emergency on your Sandhills Region of North Carolina or Pee Dee Region of South Carolina property. We’re proud of our commitment to your safety, and we highly recommend you keep yourself and your family informed by reading this page and even saving it for future reference.


Propane Emergency Shut Off

What Gibson Oil Does to Keep You Safe

  • We employ propane safety experts
  • We review all documentation
  • We send annual propane information to customers and homes we service
  • We utilize the latest employee training, processes, and procedures
  • We use leading propane safety technologies
  • We always take your safety seriously


Know the Smell of Propane Gas

All propane has an added odorant to aid in detection. The odor smells like rotten eggs, a skunk’s spray, or a dead animal. If you think you smell propane gas in your home or around your property, follow the steps below right away.

If You Smell Propane in Your Home

  1. Extinguish flames and sparks. Put out all smoking materials and other open flames. Avoid using anything that can create a spark or an electrical charge such as lights, appliances, telephones, or cell phones that can ignite an explosion or fire.
  2. Leave the area. Get everyone out of the building or area where you suspect gas is leaking.
  3. Shut off the gas. If it is safe to do so, turn off the main gas supply valve on your propane tank. To close the valve, turn it to the right (clockwise). If you have more than one tank, turn them all off.
  4. Report the leak. Call your propane supplier right away from a neighbor’s home or nearby building, and if you can’t reach them, call 911 or your local fire department.
  5. Do not return to the building or area. Wait until your propane supplier, an emergency responder, or a qualified service technician determines that it is safe to do so.
  6. Get your system checked. Have your propane supplier or qualified service technician check your entire system before attempting to use any of your propane appliances.


24/7 Emergency Service: Just Call

Gibson Oil provides every customer with around-the-clock emergency service to keep you and your family safe. If you ever need us, give us a call at (910) 462-2155. Be sure to call instead of using our online contact form or email address, as this is the fastest way to reach our on-call technicians. Thank you for your understanding.


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